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Work Experience

Work Experience Packet

Work Permit Application Form

First page of the PDF file: workexperienceapplication

Mrs. Shirley Blanchard

Mrs. Blanchard has been teaching since 1995 as a Family and Consumer Sciences teacher.  She started her teaching career at Corcoran High School and then moved to Hanford West High School.  In 2016 she was named the HJUHSD Work Experience Coordinator.  As the Work Experience Coordinator, she issues Work Permits and teaches the Work Experience Classes and all three comprehensive school sites.  She is also a member of the CAWEE (California Association of Work Experience Educators) Executive State Board.

Work Permit Application Process

Work Permit Applications should be taken to the main office office of each of your campuses. Applications are processed by any of the following school staff members and signed by Mrs. Blanchard or the proper administrator. Your work permit application must have all information complete and you must meet eligibility requirements to qualify for a permit. Your actual permit will be issued once you submit your application.

Hanford High  Hanford West Sierra Pacific Earl F. Johnson Hanford Online
Ms. Lori Welch Mrs. Allison Kerber Mrs. Tammy Arnold Mrs. Charlise Gonzalez Ms. Charlsey Vargas
Mrs. Eulogia Avalos Mrs. Nancy West Mrs. Mari Vega