The Hanford West Tutoring program is for all students at Hanford West and is hosted by the Hanford West Career Center. The HW Career Center partners with West Hills College for our tutors. Tutoring will be made available for any interested students via In Person session in the Career Session or through a Google Meet.
If you are in need of tutoring, please fill out the form below and we will have one of our tutors contact you and set up a session or ongoing schedule.
You can also email them your questions and they will do their best to reply "in a timely manner" to the best of their availability. You can also contact me, Mr. Amavisca and let me know if you are in need of help and I will make sure to get you linked up with one of our tutors.
If you and a couple of your friends would like to do a group session, just let your tutor know and they can send invites to the group once they set up the session with you. Make sure you take advantage of this great service that we provide to you.
Tutoring is available dependent on the tutor's college schedule.
Note: Just like high school students, college students may have big tests that they too must prepare for and so may not always be able to meet their stated schedule. the following is each of the current tutor's schedule. Their email addresses are also available so that you can email them directly if needed.
Angel Mendoza - email: angel.mendoza@hjuhsd.k12.ca.us
Schedule coming soon. Currently on a day to day schedule
Asia Sivongxay- email: asia.sivongxay@hjuhsd.k12.ca.us
Monday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Wednesday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
If you have a session scheduled and can not make it to your appointment, please email your tutor to let them know. This will open an opportunity for the tutor to call in other students.
If the tutor is unable to attend a session, you should receive an email from the tutor letting you know that your session has been canceled and if you would like to reschedule.