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ASB News

Fall ASB Events

September Events:

9/5&6 - Club Rush at break by the office

9/10 - Fall Rally “Clash of Claws”

9/17-18 Freshmen Elections

October Events:

10/10- Cancer Awareness Night at the football game

10/15 G. tennis Senior Night

10/16 Volleyball Senior Night

10/17 Senior Yell Picture

10/21-10/25 HW Homecoming Week 

10/21- Power Puff Football

10/22- Boat Regatta

10/22 Water Polo Senior Night

10/23- Homecoming Dance

10/25- ABC 30 Friday morning Rally 5:45am in the gym

10/25- Homecoming Football game royalty announced

10/28-11/1- Red Ribbon Week

10/31- Halloween Activities

November Events:

11/1- Day of the Dead activities

11/1 Clash of Claws Rally and Game

11/15-11/19- Salvation Army families fundraiser

11/29- Christmas Parade  ASB Float

 December Events:

12/6-12/17- Canned Food drive

12/8 Hot Chocolate & Cookies Movie night

12/14 Fall Formal

"Have a Great Day in the Land of the Huskies!"    

HW Club Meeting Days

Club Meeting Days

ASB Staff

Joe McMahon
HW Activities Director
559-583-5903 ext. 6036

Tammy Hilyard
Student Activities Clerk
559-583-5903 Ext 6037

Hanford West Webstore

HW ASB looks forward to a great year full of events and making memories for our students. 

